Serhiy Shtovba holds one of the first ranks in Vinnytsia National Technical University on the following criteria:
- number of articles in Scopus - 18;
- citation index by Scopus - 111;
- citation index by Google Scholar - 3052;
- most cited article in Scopus - 53 times
Shtovba S. Ant Algorithms: Theory and Applications // Programming and Computer Software. - 2005. - Vol. 31, No.4. - P. 167-178.; - most cited book in Google Scholar - 1100 times
Shtovba S. Design of Fuzzy Systems with MATLAB. Goryachaya Liniya - Telekom: Moscow.- 2007.- 288p. [In Russian].
Citation profile of Serhiy Shtovba in Google Scholar is here.
Serhiy Shtovba is an author of >160 papers (mostly in Russian and Ukrainian). Printable list of the main scientific publications is here.
Books and Booklets
- Shtovba S., HalushchakA. Identification of Multifactor Dependencies by Means of Knowledge Bases. Textbook: Vinnytsia: Vinnytsia National Technical University, 2015. – 96 p.
In Ukrainian: Штовба С.Д., Галущак А.В. Ідентифікація багатофакторних залежностей за допомогою баз знань. Лабораторний практикум: електронний навчальний посібник. – Вінниця: Вінницький національний технічний університет, 2016. – 96 с. - Shtovba S., Mazurenko V.V. Intelligent Techniques for Dependences Identification. Textbook: Vinnytsia: Vinnytsia National Technical University, 2014.- 113 p.
In Ukrainian: Штовба С.Д., Мазуренко В.В. Інтелектуальні технології ідентифікації залежностей. Лабораторний практикум: електронний навчальний посібник. – Вінниця: Вінницький національний технічний університет, 2014. – 113 с. . - Shtovba S. Design of Fuzzy Systems with MATLAB. Goryachaya Liniya - Telekom: Moscow.- 2007.- 288 p.
In Russian: Штовба С.Д. Проектирование нечетких систем средствами MATLAB. – М.: Горячая линия – Телеком, 2007. – 288 с..
M-files for Chapter 4 of the book.). - Rotshtein A., Shtovba S., Kozachko O.M. Modeling and Optimization of Multidimensinal Algorithmic Process Reliabilty. Vinnytsia: Universum-Vinnytsia, 2007. - 211 p.
In Ukrainian: Ротштейн О.П., Штовба С.Д., Козачко О.М. Моделювання та оптимізація надійності багатовимірних алгоритмічних процесів. Монографія. – Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ–Вінниця, 2007. – 211 с..
(Russian translation of the book ishere. - Pankevich O., Shtovba S. Diagnosing Cracks in Building Constructions with Aid of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases. Vinnytsia: Universum-Vinnytsia.- 2005.- 108 p.
In Ukrainian: Панкевич О.Д., Штовба С.Д. Діагностування тріщин будівельних конструкцій за допомогою нечітких баз знань. Монографія. Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ–Вінниця, 2005. – 108 с. - Dubinenko S., Shtovba S. Introduction to Reliability of Computer-Based Information Systems. Manual. Vinnytsia: Vinnytsia State Technical University, 2002.- 64 p.
In Ukrainian: Дубіненко С.Б., Штовба С.Д. Основи теорії надійності систем управління і автоматики. Навч. посіб. Вінниця: Вінницький державний технічний університет. – 2002. – 64 с. - Shtovba S. Optimization Methods with MATLAB. Textbook. Vinnytsia: Vinnytsia State Technical University, 2001.- 54 p.
In Ukrainian: Штовба С.Д. Методи оптимізації в середовищі MATLAB: лабораторний практикум. Навч. посіб. Вінниця: Вінницький державний технічний університет, 2001.– 54 с. - Rotshtein A. Shtovba S. Design of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases with MATLAB: Textbook. Vinnytsia: Vinnytsia State Technical University, 1999.- 65 p.
In Ukrainian: Ротштейн А.П., Штовба С.Д. Проектування нечітких баз знань: лабораторний практикум та курсове проектування. Навч. посіб. Вінниця: Вінницький державний технічний університет, 1999. – 65 с. - Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Fuzzy Reliability of Algorithmic Processes. Vinnitsa: Continent-PRIM. 1997.- 142 p.
In Russian: Ротштейн А.П., Штовба С.Д. Нечеткая надежность алгоритмических процессов. Винница: Континент-ПРИМ, 1997.– 142 с.
English Articles in International Journals and in Edited Books
- Shtovba S., Pankevich O., Nagorna A. Analyzing the criteria for fuzzy classifier learning // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 49, №3. – P. 123–132.
- Shtovba S., Shtovba E. A citation index with allowance for the implicit diffusion of scientific knowledge // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. - 2013. - Vol. 40, №3.- P. 142-145.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Modeling of the Human Operator Reliability with the Aid of the Sugeno Fuzzy Knowledge Base // Automation and Remote Control. - 2009 -Vol. 70, #1. - P. 163-169.
- Shtovba S. Fuzzy Model Tuning Based on a Training Set with Fuzzy Model Output Values // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. - 2007. - Vol. 43, #3. - P. 334-340.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Genetic Optimization of Moltidimensional Technological Process // Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 39 УComputational Intelligence in Reliability EngineeringФ, Part I УEvolutionary Techniques in Reliability Analysis and OptimizationФ. (Ed. G. Levitin). - Springer, 2007. - P. 287-300.
- Shtovba S. Ensuring Accuracy and Transparency of Mamdani Fuzzy Model in Learning by Experimental Data // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. - 2007. - Vol. 39, #8. - P. 39-52.
- Shtovba S. Fuzzy Identification on the Base of Regression Models of Parametric Membership Function // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. - 2006. - Vol. 38, #11. - P. 36-44.
- Shtovba S.,Shtovba O. Prediction of Competitive Position of Brand Product by Fuzzy Knowledge Base // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. -2006. - Vol. 38, #8. - P. 69-80.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Identification of a Nonlinear Dependence by a Fuzzy Knowledgebase in the Case of a Fuzzy Training Set // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. - 2006. - Vol. 42, #2. - P. 176-182.
- Shtovba S. Ant Algorithms: Theory and Applications // Programming and Computer Software. - 2005. - Vol. 31, #4. - P. 167-178. It is the most cited article of "Programming and Computer Software" (Springer): 53 citations in Scopus.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Influences of Defuzzification Methods on the Rate of Tuning a Fuzzy Model // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. - 2002. - Vol. 38, #5. - P. 783-789.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S.,Pankevich O. Fuzzy Rule Based System for Diagnosis of Stone Construction Cracks of Buildings // International Series in Intelligent Technologies, Vol. 18: "Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning, Methods and Applications" (Eds.: Zimmermann H-J., Tselentis G., van Someren M., Dounias G.). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - P. 401-412.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Fuzzy Multicriteria Analysis of Variants with the Use of Paired Comparisons // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2001. - Vol. 40, #3. - P. 499-503.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Managing a Dynamic System by Means of a Fuzzy Knowledge Base // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. - 2001. - Vol. 35, #2. - P. 16-22.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Prediction the Reliability of Algorithmic Processes with Fuzzy Input Data // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. - 1998. - Vol. 34., #4. - P.545-552.
English Articles in National Journals:
- Shtovba S., Galushchak A. Сomparison of learning criteria for fuzzy classifier with voting roles // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University. – 2015. – №4.
- Shtovba S., Yakovenko A. Prediction of software system development efforts using a fuzzy hybrid model // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University.- 2014. - №1.
- Shtovba S., Shtovba O. Simple Rational Extension of Hirsch Index // Sociology of Science and Technology.- 2013.- Vol. 4, №4.- P. 99-103.
- Shtovba S., Shtovba O. Sh-index – a new fractional modification of Hirsch-index // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University. – 2011. – №3.
- Shtovba S.D., Shtovba O.V., Pankevich O.D. Accuracy and compactness criteria for evaluating the quality of fuzzy knowledge bases in identification problems // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University. – 2012. – №4
- Shtovba S., Mazurenko V., Savchuk D. Genetic algorithm for selecting roles of the fuzzy knowledge base balanced according to the accuracy and compactness criteria // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University. – 2012. – №3.
- Shtovba S. Assuring reliability of algorithmic processes by soft-computing methods // Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University. – 2009. – №2.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Modeling of Algorithmic Process Reliability with Fuzzy Source Data // Eksploatacja i niezawodnosc (Maintenance and Reliability). – 2006. – №2.– P.40–43.
- Shtovba S., Kozachko O., Dounias G. A Fast Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing the Checking–Retrofit Procedures in Multidimensional Technological Processes // Штучний інтелект. – 2004. – №2.– P. 225–230.
- Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Shtovba S. Forecasting football match outcomes with support vector machines // Herald of Zhytomyr Engineering-Technological Institute. – 2003.- №1. P. 181–186.
Selected English Articles in Proceedings of International Conferences:
- Rotshtein A. Shtovba S. Risk Assessing by Fuzzy Logic–Algorithmic Faolt Tree / Proc. Fifth international scientific school "Modelling and analysis of safety and risk in complex systems". Saint-Petersburg, 2005. – P. 339–343.
- Shtovba S., Shtovba O. A Fuzzy Role-Based Prediction the Competitive Strength Index of Brand Product // Proc. of the First Polish and Intern. PD Forum–Confernece on Computer Science "Selected Problems of Computer Science". Lodz, Bronislawow (Poland), 11–14 April 2005. – Warsaw: Academic Publishing House EXIT. – 2005. – P. 208-216.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Fuzzy Probability–Based Modeling the Reliability of Algorithmic Processes // In Proc. of International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability, Safety, Security and Logistics. Beer Sheva (Israel), 15–17 February 2005. – Beer Sheva: Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, 2005. – P. 300–303.
- Shtovba S., Pankevich O. Smart Diagnosis the Structural Damages of Buildings: Fuzzy-Genetic Approach // Proc. of the XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. – 2004. – Warsaw (Poland).
- Shtovba S., Pankevich O., Dounias G. Tuning the Fuzzy Classification Models with Various Learning Criteria: the Case of Credit Data Classification // Proc. of Inter. Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance. St. Petersburg (Russia), 17–20 June 2004. – Vol. 1. – St. Petersburg: Russian Fuzzy Systems Association, 2004. – P. 103–110.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S., Posner M. Optimization of a Water Purification Technological Process by Genetic Algorithms // Proc. of the Third Workshop on Binding Environmental Science and Artificial Intelligence in frame of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lyon (France), 21–24 Joly 2002.
- Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Shtovba S., Vivdyuk V. Soft Computing–Based Result Prediction of Football Games // Proc. of the First International Conference on Inductive Modelling ICIM'2002, Lviv, Ukraine, 20-25 May 2002, Vol. 3. P. 15-21.
- Reimann M., Shtovba S., Nepomuceno E. A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm Approach for Vehicle Routine Problems Solving // Student Papers of Complex Systems Summer School. Budapest (Hungary), 16 Joly – 10 August 2001. Santa Fe: Santa Fe Insitute, 2001. – P. 134–141.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S., Mostov I. Fuzzy Rule Based Innovation Project Estimation // Proc. of International Fuzzy Systems Association and The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Joint Conference (IFSA/NAFIPS), Vancouver, Canada, 2001.
- Shtovba S., Rotshtein A., Pankevich O. Fuzzy Rule Based System for Diagnosis of Stone Construction Cracks of Buildings // Proc. of the European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques. Aachen (Germany), 14-15 September 2000.
- Shtovba S., Chernovolik G. Fuzzy Rule Based System for Decision Making Support of Pathology Anatomist // Proc. of the ERUDIT-Workshop "Fuzzy Diagnostic and Therapeutic Decision Support". Vienna (Austria), 11–12 May 2000. – Wien: Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2000. – P. 45–50.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S., Chernovolik G., Petruk V. Processing of Optical Information for Medical Decision Making Support Systems by Intelligent Techniques // Selected Papers from the International Conference on Optoelectronic Information Technologies (Eds. S.Svechnikov, V.Kojemiako and S.Kostyuukevych). Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4425, 2001, P. – 142–147.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Fuzzy Reliability Analysis and Optimization of Algorithmical Processes // In Proc. of the Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing.– Aachen, Germany.– 1997. – P. 67–71.
- Rotshtein A., Shtovba S. Fuzzy Logic–Algorithmic Faolt Tree Analysis // In Proc. of the Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Aachen, Germany. – 1996. – P. 1565–1569.